Friday 20 May 2016

Animation review

I have had a few people review my animation I am going to included the screenshots on here also am going included there comments on youtube. Also I am going to evaluate myself  as well to see if I can improve in the near feature.

My feedback, here is what other people have thought about my animation. 

My evaluation
When starting my animation I had a few ideas what I thought were possible but as time went on a few of my ideas were not possible, as I would not be able to get the props for it. For an example I was going to do a sketch about The big bang theory but at that moment in time I didn't  have any money to buy the things I needed so i had to change my idea. I changed it to having a go pro in my step dads van but round the time I was going to do it he got admitted into hospital and was off for a few weeks so I came up with he idea of doing a time lapse in a car but i didn't know when or how I was going to do. As I was going a way for the weekend half way there I thought about doing my time laps animation because I was in a great location and it would look great on film. luckily I had my phone on me and that does time lapse so I filmed for an hour I hoped I had enough footage. When I got home after the weekend I started to edit by changing some of the colours in the film and also adding sound. after this i exported it and uploaded it to youtube and facebook, I also put it on Instergram and i got some positive reviews a back. I will include them at the bottom of this report.

Friday 29 January 2016

My own animation

Week 1 

This week I am going to look at other animations so I have an idea of what I want to do for mine.

Time lapse 

I am going to start by looking at time lapse
Time lapse is my favourite animation. I tried to do one last year but it didn't really work because I didn't fully understand how it worked. I want to try it again but this time have camera set up on a road and do a time lapse of the traffic. For an example this video of New York.

Model Based 

I would like to do something with models but not clay as I don't like it much. I would rather make i with models for an example toys, I want to do something with Iron Man or The Big Bang Theory. 
For an example this video is of toy cars doing a car chase scene.


With pixilation I want to do a video about a love and hate relationship. for an example boyfriend and girlfriend that fight but at the end of the day can still love each other.

Week 2 (My ideas) 

My time lapse ideas 

One of my ideas is to put a go pro into my mam's partners recovery van, when he is on call and have it there all day because he is always out on call and he can go anywhere within the UK. After filming the things I need I will speed the video up and add audio. 

Another ideas is to go up to Roseberry Topping and set up a camera from the  top and have it recording from day to sun set. 

Another idea was to be filming the traffic on the A19 for a few hours then after speed the clips up and add sound.

My model based ideas 

One of my ideas are to buy some big bang theory lego for an example a Sheldon, Leonard and do a mini sketch show. For an example a silly little argument like they always do. 

Week 3 

I have chosen my idea and am going to use my A19 idea. I am currently in the process of drawing up my mood board. When I have completed my mood board I will take a photo with my phone and upload it here. 

Week 4

I am thinking of changing my idea as it is not channelling and it won't be that enjoyable to watch. I might changing it to a car journey or a walk to Preston Park or to Acklam. The reason I am doing this is because I want to challenge myself. I will film it with a go pro then speed it up in the editing part and add music into it.

Week 5 

I am going to Scarborough on 26th March so am going to record my journey back. I am going to use my phone to record my time laps because my phone is an Iphone 5s so it has time lapse Built into it so I wont have to do that much editing. 

Week 6 

Here are two photos showing how and were I filmed my time lapse.
I have included some music to my animation. I have picked to use David Guetta and sia titanium karaoke

Here is my time lapse I have uploaded it to youtube. 

Friday 22 January 2016

Animation Assessment

Cell based animation

Cell-based animation gets its name fro using cels or sheets of plastic. Each drawing for the animation is made on paper and then traced onto a cell which of course is transparent. Then the drawing on the cell is painted in so it is in colour and taken to be photographed. Then the process is repeated with each drawing made slightly different from the previous one - up to 25 drawings When these separate images are played back, it gives the felling that its moving. An excellent example of cell-based animation is any of the Disney movies especially Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. All cells were hand drawn and painted. 
Cut out 
Cut out animation is a stop-animations this is made by using flat characters, props and backgrounds cut from materials such as paper, card, fabric or even photographs. For an example you cut out an image from a magazine and photographic it then move it then take another photo and do this process over and over again until your happy with your storyline and images. The only difference is that the camera is face down on to the drawings. 

Model-based animation 

Model-based animation is one of the simplest stop-motion animation there is, you can use clay models our use toys for an example lego you could build a number of objects then photograph them then move them a little bit then take another photo until your sequence is complete. Then after doing that edit the sequence by speeding the images up so it looking like its moving.

Pixilation is a stop motion technique where live actors are used as a frame-by-frame subject in an animated film, by repeatedly posing while one or more frame is taken and changing pose slightly before the next frame or frames. 

Time lapse 

    Time lapse is used mostly for landscape shoots for an example from a ruff top showing the change of and landscape for an example a building getting built