Friday 20 May 2016

Animation review

I have had a few people review my animation I am going to included the screenshots on here also am going included there comments on youtube. Also I am going to evaluate myself  as well to see if I can improve in the near feature.

My feedback, here is what other people have thought about my animation. 

My evaluation
When starting my animation I had a few ideas what I thought were possible but as time went on a few of my ideas were not possible, as I would not be able to get the props for it. For an example I was going to do a sketch about The big bang theory but at that moment in time I didn't  have any money to buy the things I needed so i had to change my idea. I changed it to having a go pro in my step dads van but round the time I was going to do it he got admitted into hospital and was off for a few weeks so I came up with he idea of doing a time lapse in a car but i didn't know when or how I was going to do. As I was going a way for the weekend half way there I thought about doing my time laps animation because I was in a great location and it would look great on film. luckily I had my phone on me and that does time lapse so I filmed for an hour I hoped I had enough footage. When I got home after the weekend I started to edit by changing some of the colours in the film and also adding sound. after this i exported it and uploaded it to youtube and facebook, I also put it on Instergram and i got some positive reviews a back. I will include them at the bottom of this report.

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